Do things that don’t scale
🧠 Time for the 2nd in the Product Bites series.
Dive in for more practical insights about building and scaling products and businesses. Hope they resonate and spark some fresh perspectives and actionable strategies!
📚Quote: "Do things that don't scale." - Paul Graham
🌟 Example: Airbnb's founders initially travelled to New York to meet hosts, photograph listings, and understand their challenges firsthand. This hands-on approach not only built trust but also provided invaluable feedback that informed their platform's evolution.
💡 Benefit: Airbnb's early efforts ensured they crafted a platform that genuinely resonated with hosts, setting a foundation for the global success they enjoy today.
Closer to home, at Unblock, we established a dedicated Slack channel for each customer we onboarded. This immediate connection not only sped up our response time to queries but also gave our entire team a window into the unique challenges and features new customers valued. This feedback loop was instrumental in refining our onboarding process and setting the stage for effective scaling.
Swipe through the carousel below ➡️ for more real-world insights, a deeper dive into the importance of early-stage hands-on involvement, and tips on effective scaling!